
Electric Field related Formulas

In the previous article Electric Field we had seen that if we gave a charge to any particular particle it experiences a force on it. Now to understand the relationship between force and charge we did an experiment.   Suppose, the charge on a particular particle is q so then the charge particle will experience a force let’s call it as F.  Now if we doubled the charge on the same particle i.e. 2q it will experience double force on it than 1q. So the force on 2q will be 2F. Now we did it again we increased the charge three times i.e. 3q then the force experienced by that charged particle will naturally be 3F acting upon it.  This experiment concludes that more the charge we add on the particle greater will be the force experienced by it . So the force increases as charge on that particle increases.  Therefore, Force is directly proportional to the charge q                              F∝ q                                  -------- (1)   Now we had seen the behav

Electric Field

Introduction :-  If I gave a charge ( either positive or negative) to a particular particle and kept it in a room and what we observed that the charge is moving in a particular direction without being in any contact with anyone or without applying any kind of force. Despite of not applying any kind of force or a contact (by human or by other) to that charge it is moving in a particular direction. But If I took that same charge to a different place or in a different room what we observed? that charge is not moving at all like it was moving in other room instead it is static (not moving).  In some place the charge is moving very rapidly and at some it is very slower; At some places it is moving from left to right at some it  is moving from right to left. But we can't see anything. So what is that force which is driving or moving a charge or applying a force to that charge? What is that unseen thing which is applying force on the charge ? What is that thing in presence

Energy Bands in Solids

1.1 Introduction: The property of solids that varies most from one solid to the other is the ability to conduct electric current. For example, the resistivity of copper is 1.7 ✕ 10   ^ -8 Ω-m whereas that of quartz is 7.5 ✕ 10 ^ 17 Ω-m. The electron energy bands present in the solids makes it possible to study such a wide variation in resistivity and conductivity. 1.2 Structure of an Atom Any substance, solid, liquid or gaseous is made up of molecules and molecules and molecules are made up of atoms. The atoms contains tiny particles called protons, neutrons and electrons which are called as fundamental particles. Protons have positive charge, electrons have negative charge and neutrons are electrically neutral. The protons, electrons and neutrons of various types of atoms ( atoms of different materials) are same as each other. That means there is no change in their physical properties though they are present in different materials. But the "arrangement" of prot

Electric Charge

Electrostatics is the branch of science dealing with the static electricity i.e. electricity at rest The knowledge of various laws which governs the behaviour of static electricity is essential. It is essential in the design and applications of insulation(particularly for high voltages). In the study of causes of lightning and protection against it and in the design and operation of transmission lines. Therefore, in this blog we shall briefly discuss some of the fundamental laws of electrostatics. Electric charge possess two different forms first when it is static second when it is moving. Electric charge exhibits two different properties in two different forms when it is stable state and when it is moving. When it is moving it shows properties like Electric current, Magnetic effect,Heating effect, Electromagnetic Induction and so on. Definitions: Electrostatics: Electrostatics is the branch of electricity in which properties of static (non-moving) electri

Ancient Electrical Knowledge

Most of the modern people around the world might give credit to Mr. Benjamin Franklin for his discovery of electricity,but if we go thousands of years back in an ancient civilization living near the banks of saptasidhu river called as aryans presently India electicity has its mention in Atharva veda (one of the four vedas) written by hindu sages back in 1500 - 1000 B.C. Atharva Veda is sometimes called the vedas of magical formulas, apart from atharva veda rigveda also has a mention of electricity it says, " Electricity is hidden in water and when it comes out it spreads light and provides electricity." (1.16.5).  (1.85.5;188.1) " It describes use of electricity in weapons and telegraphy, the word Indra or vidhyut is used to denote electricity in vedas. Atharva veda has many other significant aspect of science like medicinal plants, healing practices, consciousness etc. also it takes into account of electricity. thanks to Dr. Ashok Tiwari an Electrical Engineer who

Industry before Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the most significant and advanced revolution that have taken place in the entire history of the world; but how it all started and what was that thing because of which we all are experiencing this most advance revolution Industry 4.0. World before Industrial Revolutions: Before the dawn of industrial revolution the world was quite different to the one that exists today. there were no new roads, and obviously vehicles,trains etc. The main problem prevailing was the lack of communication modes. Now-a-days we are communicating with people living far away from us via internet; but at those times news were spread by travellers or through messengers. As there was no mechanised transport system transportation was in vain. It was very difficult for the peoples to travel over the larger distances as there were only bullockcarts present. Livelihood was entirely dependent on agriculture at that time and no jobs. At at those times education was a rare