Industry before Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the most significant and advanced revolution that have taken place in the entire history of the world; but how it all started and what was that thing because of which we all are experiencing this most advance revolution Industry 4.0.

World before Industrial Revolutions:

Before the dawn of industrial revolution the world was quite different to the one that exists today.
there were no new roads, and obviously vehicles,trains etc. The main problem prevailing was the lack of communication modes. Now-a-days we are communicating with people living far away from us via internet; but at those times news were spread by travellers or through messengers.
As there was no mechanised transport system transportation was in vain. It was very difficult for the peoples to travel over the larger distances as there were only bullockcarts present.
Livelihood was entirely dependent on agriculture at that time and no jobs.
At at those times education was a rare concept and only rich ones were ables to afford it through private tutors and the poor ones remained at bay.

So per-industrial life was not advanced, educated and rich but contrary it was so poor, uneducated and was lacking in technology.

Dawn of Industrial Revolution:

Some historians believe that Industrial Revolution was an outgrown of social and institutional changes brought by the end of feudalism in britain after the English Civil War in the 17th century.
The colonial expansion of 17th century with the accompanied development of trade, creation of financial markets and accumulation of capital are also cited as factors, as in the scientific revolution of the 17th century.
It was universally believed by the historians that technological innovation was the heart of Industrial Revolution and the key enabling technology was none other than scientific revolution in europe.
The vital cause of the industrial revolution only started in Britain was that in other regions in europe like in france, belgium etc markets were split up by local regions which impose tariffs on goods.Government grant limited monopolies to inventors under developing patent system.
Fueled by the game changing use of steam power, the industrial revolution began in britain and spread to the rest of the world,including united states by the 1830s and 40s. 
Modern historians often refer to this first industrial revolution .

Why not in europe or other parts of the world:

In early period china was well developed and technically sound nation but however it didnt  lasts longer and was soon surpassed by other european countries. By the time china didnt allowed the foreign traders to trade in china also it banned all the imports in china in order to make it self sufficient nation. china also heavily taxed transport goods. Many historians believed that difference in the beliefs of two distinct societies can also be one of the reason.

Regarding india, in those days india was under mughal empire which invaded india which could not do any reforms and modernization in India so far rather the GDP rate in India during mughal rea was worst than before. The GDP rate of India was best among the world in till 1000A.D. after that due to foreign invaders it turned down. due to this all wealth of india was taken away from it and poverty in india started to grow as poverty started india become weaker and weaker due to frequent invasion and poverty grew and due to it there was no education, trade, good agricultural practices and india remained undeveloped.


 Why in England:

England provided the legal foundations that favoured young entreprenuers to lead the industrial revolution.  
1. At that time england was a free market to sell and buy goods.
2. It also had simple and straight forward legal system of trade which made easier for the seller as          well as buyer that boosted the trade.
3. Stock companies were allowed at those times in england
4. At older times there were no aeroplanes to travel so people used to travel through ships from one        country to other so it was advantage for england that it had the extensive coastlines which                    simplified the transportation of goods from one nation to other

There were two main values that really drove the industrial revolution in england. this values were self-interest and an entrepreneurial spirit. Because of this interests many industrial advances were made that resulted in great increase in personal wealth and consumer revolution.

The most important thing that really drove the industrial revolution at greater heights was the wealth that england was receiving from the colonies that they established in various regions of the world. From this huge wealth they established factories, enhanced trades and the workers in the factories were brought from africa as slaves to do the power works.
 Liberalisation allowed emergence of scientific discoveries and use of it effectively that the nations having monarchy like russia or china.

The new slaves brought from the continent of africa were trained by the experiences people working on factories that was how transfer of knowledge and skills were taking place. 

Technical Aspect:
The first industrial revolution began in 18th century involved a change from mostly agrarian societies to greater industrialization as a consequence of the steam engine and other technological developments.It is marked by the transition from  hand production methods to machines through the use of steam power and water power. It is also called as age of Mechanical Production. In textile manufacturing before produced threads on simple spinning wheels,the mechanized version achieved eight times the volume in same time using steam power.
The use of it for industrial purposes was the greatest breakthrough for increasing human productivity. Development such as steamship or the steam powered locomotives brought about further massive changes. The world began to rely on steam power and machine tools while steamships and railroads were revolutionized. Ultimately, advancing industrialization created a middle class of skilled workers, cities and industries grew more quickly than ever before, and economics grew along them.



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