Ancient Electrical Knowledge

Most of the modern people around the world might give credit to Mr. Benjamin Franklin for his discovery of electricity,but if we go thousands of years back in an ancient civilization living near the banks of saptasidhu river called as aryans presently India electicity has its mention in Atharva veda (one of the four vedas) written by hindu sages back in 1500 - 1000 B.C.

Atharva Veda is sometimes called the vedas of magical formulas, apart from atharva veda rigveda also has a mention of electricity it says, " Electricity is hidden in water and when it comes out it spreads light and provides electricity." (1.16.5).
 (1.85.5;188.1) " It describes use of electricity in weapons and telegraphy, the word Indra or vidhyut is used to denote electricity in vedas.

Atharva veda has many other significant aspect of science like medicinal plants, healing practices, consciousness etc. also it takes into account of electricity. thanks to Dr. Ashok Tiwari an Electrical Engineer who have done significant research work on electrical energy registered in Atharva Veda.
Following are the few hymm written in the Atharva Veda which talks about electricity small content from the work done by Dr. Tiwari.

Chapter 1: Hymn VII:

Verse 2: Nav Yo Navati Puro bibhed bahvotjasaa
Ahi Cha vritrahaavadheet

Electricity , which breaks, by the energy of its arms the 99 cities, destroys the cloud, which covers the rays of the sun, the source of all energy and power.
This initial description describes the inherent properties of of electrical energy. Here the "arms of electricity" refers to positive and negative currents. The 99 cities refers to the 99 elements, as known to modern day scientists. In Vedic terminology, these essential elements were known as "Bhogas".

Verse 3: Sa na Indrah Shivah sakhashwavad gomadvavama
Urudhaarev dohate

That very electric power may be our peaceful friend, providing us with the horse-power to drive our machines, light to light up our houses, and power to produce grains in the fields. Let it bring on prosperity and well-being for us by flowing into numerous currents.
These verses clearly refer to the various useful applications of electricity. The mention of horse powered driving machines is a direct reference to electronically powered vehicles like automobiles, aircraft, etc. In our times, even prototypes of electric cars are a very recent development. In the present era, Electric car prototypes were created due to the dawning realization that gasoline fuel is a perishable resource as well as polluting to the environment. It looks like thousands of years ago, our Rishis were already aware of these dangers

Chapter 2: Hymn XV

Verse 2: Adha te vishwamanu haasadishtaya aapo nimneva savanaa havishmatah
Yatparvate na samasheeta haryata indrasya vajrah shnathita hiranyayah

Just as all productive works of the manufacturer depend upon waters flowing down with speed, so do all the desired objects of him depend upon you (Electricity), as its powerful striking force cannot be obstructed by any cloud, or mountain in the way. It smashes all impediments, with its radiant energy.
This verse acknowledges the immense power of electricity and proves the Vedic community’s understanding of its intensity. Electricity does have the power of striking through any element. The portion about productive works depending on waters flowing with speed is an obvious reference to harnessing hydroelectric power. It is obvious from this verse that Vedic society was well aware of methods that harnessed the power of electricity through systems like hydroelectric power plants. Once harnessed, they incorporated the force to implement manufacturing concerns and power machinery.

Chapter 3 :Hymn XXXI

Verse 1: Taa Vajrinam Mandinam Stomyam mad indram rathe vahato haryataa haree
Purunyasmay savanaani haryata indraaya somaa harayo dadhanwire

Those two speedily moving forces of attraction and repulsion propel the electric current, powerful like the thunderbolt, pleasant and praiseworthy, in this pleasant plane or car. Manifold are the generating powers for the refulgent electricity borne by speedy moving Somas – various kinds of liquid fuels.

so these were the very few texts which were written in atharva veda which tells us about nature of electricity and how to use it wisely.There are many much more references to electrical energy in the vedas that clearly tells us about the scientific advancements, modern thinking and scientific inventions at those times.

From many many centuries ago even 1500 years before the birth of Jesus this knowledge was with us but unfortunately no one ever put it into presentable form or may be because this manuscripts were written in sanskrit.But this ancient scripts are the proofs of the wisdom that India had and such scientific advancements that none other nation had.
Infact Atharva Veda is a prime example of how majority of hindu scriptures done into practical and material matters that affects everyday human life.
It will be fully apparent from the above mantras that electrical energy and its properties were fully understood by the vedic sages. It was definitely used in everyday technological applications.

It is also clear that vedic sages known far more about the properties of electricity than us.It was not till  very recently that modern day scientist discovered and began research on the potential usage of electrical energy in military science and related areas.
What this versus clearly demonstrate to us in fact that vedic society was at an extremely advanced state of technological advancements.


1. - Electricity in Vedas by Dr. Ashok Kumar Tiwari
2. - Electrical energy        in vedas Vedic India.
3. Image courtesy- Google


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